
As with most things sexual, myths, misconceptions and conjecture abound. Nymphomania is simply defined as “excessive sexual desire” typically by a woman, although the urban dictionary refers to it as equally a male phenomenon, ignoring “satyriasis”, the male version of the word.

The venerable sex researcher, Dr Kinsey, simply referred to it as someone who “has more sex than you”, and it is no longer seen as a clinical condition by the medical profession. It has thankfully moved on from Victorian times when doctors feared that eating rich food, consuming too much chocolate, dwelling on impure thoughts, reading novels, or performing “secret pollution” overstimulated women’s delicate nerve fibers and led to nymphomania.

Nevertheless it is real for those it afflicts, and may be treated as an addiction. Unless of course it is not, as is the case with our heroine who seemingly does not mind much. Nor does Marius, but will it lead to his downfall…?

Top Ten Facts about Nymphomania – if you really do want to know.